OALD Word List/OALD-Wortliste
is a list of up to 500 words
from the Oxford Advanced Learner’s
Dictionary that you have saved for
further study or review.
Import Dictionaries/Importierte
Wörterbücher lists any .csv
formatted personal dictionaries you
have imported to your device via a
PC connection.
Word Practice/Wörter üben presents
words from your word lists or
personal dictionaries as ashcards
so you can practice learning their
5. Press ENTER.
Press BACK to return to the main
Adding Words to the Word
English Course Word List/
At various times while navigating the
English Course/Englischkurs, you may
come across an English word that you
want to save for further study, review or
memorization. When you can highlight
the word or access its English Course/
Englischkurs denition, you can add
that word to the English Course Word
1. Press HOME.
2. Press or to cycle through
the options until English Course/
Englischkurs appears highlighted
in the middle of the screen.
3. Press ENTER to select it.
Or you can press COURSE.
The English Course/Englischkurs is
opened. Navigate to a section or
exercise that presents vocabulary.
You will be able to add words to
the word bank any time you can
look up words using or from any
dictionary entry screen.
For example, select Region Tour -
Course 1 | Arizona | Barbecue | Eating
and drinking. Press until you
highlight the menu item and press
ENTER to select it. Press OPTIONS.
Press to highlight and press
ENTER. Press the arrow keys to
highlight the word you want to look
You can now add the word to the
word bank a couple of dierent
a. Press OPTIONS.
You are asked to conrm the
b. Yes/Ja is highlighted. Press
ENTER to add the word.
Press to highlight No/Nein
and press ENTER to cancel the
Using the Word Banks Using the Word Banks