Freedom9 USB Network Card User Manual

2. Click the Backup Drive button in the toolbar in the main window.
3. In the Backup Drive window (Figure 21), select the local drive(s) that you would like to back
up in the top window, and select the freeStor 210/310 drive to use under Destination Disk.
Click “Next”.
Figure 21: Select External USB Drive
4. If a warning appears to indicate that no partitions are available on the drive (Figure 22), click
“OK” to continue to the Prepare Backup Disk wizard. Otherwise, skip to step 12.
Figure 22: Partition Wizard
5. In the Prepare Backup Disk screen (Figure 23) select “Re-arrange Partition Table”. Click
Warning: Selecting “Re-arrange Partition Table” will cause all of the data on the
freeStor Mini 210/310 to be erased.