
This scanner generates the UNIT ATTENTION condition to all initiators.
After being initialized, the initiators move to the BUS FREE phase.
The initiators do not intend to issue another message by activating ATN before they deactivate the ACK of
the BUS DEVICE RESET message. IDENDIFY (X'80' TO X'FF'): MESSAGE OUT phase (initiator target)
This message specifies either a logical unit under control of the target, or a process incorporated in the
target (maintenance, self-diagnostic, etc.).
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
Specifies a logical unit number
(for bit 5 = 0)
Specifies a process incorporated in
the target (for bit 5 = 1)
Bit for distinguishing from other messages
This scanner does not support the target-incorporated process function. Therefore, if a 1 is set in bit 5, the
IDENTIFY message is rejected with the MESSAGE REJECT message.
1. The initiator does not permit disconnect
0. The initiator permits disconnect
1. Processed by the target alone
0. Processed by the target and logical unit