CardMinder for ScanSnap! User’s Guide 8
Configuring Before Scanning
This chapter describes the settings required to use CardMinder
and how to change the PIM
application selection.
1. Click [Start] in the desktop. Click [Program], [CardMinder] and [CardMinder] again
from submenus.
⇒ Main window of CardMinder appears.
2. Click [File] in menu bar and click [Export to] in submenus.
⇒ A list of PIM applications appears. A check mark by an item indicates the currently
selected of application.
3. Click an application to which you want to export business card data.
• You can choose only one application. When you change the application, a
new icon appears in Main window of CardMinder.
• If you choose CSV (Excel) from the list, also specify the file name and file
folder. (See HINT:page. 14)
Main window: