Fujitsu T1000 Server User Manual

Index-2 SPARC Enterprise T1000 Server Service Manual April 2007
enablecomponent command, 3-39, 3-46, 3-48
environmental faults, 3-4, 3-5, 3-13, 3-16
event log, checking the PSH, 3-41
exercising the system with SunVTS, 3-49
fan status, displaying, 3-17
fan tray assembly
installing, 5-5
removing, 5-4
fault manager daemon, fmd(1M), 3-39
fault message ID, 3-16
fault records, 3-44
faults, 3-12, 3-16
environmental, 3-4, 3-5
recovery, 3-12
repair, 3-12
types of, 3-16
fmadm command, 3-44
fmdump command, 3-41
front panel
LED status, displaying, 3-17
FRU ID PROMs, 3-12
FRU status, displaying, 3-19
hard drive
installing, 5-8, 5-13, 5-17
removing, 5-12, 5-15
status, displaying, 3-17
hardware components sanity check, 3-27
help command, 3-14
clock battery, 5-27
DIMMs, 5-21
fan tray assembly, 5-5
hard drive, 5-8, 5-13, 5-17
motherboard and chassis, 5-25
PCI-Express card, 5-3
power supply, 5-6
top cover, 5-11, 6-1
installing the server in the rack, 6-1
AC OK, 3-4
Power OK, 3-4
log files, viewing, 3-45
configuration, 3-7
fault handling, 3-6
message ID, 3-40
messages file, 3-44
motherboard and chassis
installing, 5-25
removing, 5-25
PCI-Express card
installing, 5-3
removing, 5-2
POST detected faults, 3-4, 3-16
POST see also power-on self-test (POST), 3-22
Power OK LED, 3-4
power supply
installing, 5-6
removing, 5-5
power supply status, displaying, 3-17
powercycle command, 3-15, 3-28, 3-36
powering down the system, 4-2
powering on the system, 6-2
poweroff command, 3-15
poweron command, 3-15
power-on self-test (POST), 3-5
about, 3-22
ALOM CMT commands, 3-23
configuration flow chart, 3-25
error message example, 3-34
error messages, 3-34
example output, 3-29
fault clearing, 3-38
faulty components detected by, 3-38
how to run, 3-28
parameters, changing, 3-26
reasons to run, 3-27
troubleshooting with, 3-6
Predictive Self-Healing (PSH)