G-Technology 0G01868 Server User Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Safety & General Use
Safety Precautions ......................................... 4
Backup Your Data ..........................................5
About Your G-SPEED eS Pro
Introduction ....................................................7
What’s in the Box ..........................................8
System Requirements ..................................8
Overview of the Drive .................................9
Overview of the Controller .......................9
Using Your Drive
Drive LED Operation .....................................11
Warning LED and Alarms ............................11
Disconnect the Drive ...................................12
Windows Use ................................................... 12
Using ATTO R680 RAID Controller
Download ATTO RAID Software ...............14
Install ATTO Driver & CongTool .............14
Install ATTO Controller ................................. 15
Attach eS Pro to ATTO Controller ............. 15
Add Second G-SPEED eS Pro Unit ............ 16
Uninstall ATTO Driver & CongTool ........16
Table of Contents
Conguring G-SPEED eS Pro
RAID Conguration Scripts for Mac ........18
Use the ATTO CongTool ............................19
Change the RAID Mode ...............................21
Congure Two RAID Units ..........................26
Set Up Alert Notications ...........................31
Maintenance for your Drive
Replace a Failed Disk Drive ........................33
Initialize Drive for Mac ................................36
Restore the Drive Icon .................................39
Reformat with Partitions ............................. 41
RAID Levels Explained .................................46
Support & Warranty
Technical Support .........................................48
Limited Warranty ...........................................49
Copyright ..........................................................51