Cold-Installing HP-UX 11i v2
Reviewing the Cold-Install Process
Chapter 5 81
Reviewing the Cold-Install Process
This section describes cold-installing from the HP-UX 11i v2 DVDs,
including the operating system, a selected operating environment (OE)
bundle, network drivers, CDE language bundle, and diagnostics.
The overall process is shown in Figure 5-1 on page 82, along with
alternate methods of cold-installing HP-UX 11i v2:
Alternate install
• Installing from software depots — Use Software Distributor
commands to create depots containing OS, OE, and other software
bundles, then install from the depot using Ignite-UX. For help with
this method, see the swinstall (1M) manpage, Software Distributor
Administration Guide, and Ignite-UX Administration Guide.
• Installing from golden images — If you need to install the same
OS/OE and applications on many systems in your network, use an
Ignite-UX server as explained in the Ignite-UX Administration
Guide. With Ignite-UX, you can create a single install image (golden
image) containing OS/OE bundles, application bundles, and patch
bundles, then install the image on multiple systems in your
• For customers ordering new systems with the “Instant Ignition”
option (also known as “factory ignited”), the cold-installation process
described here has already been performed. Skip this chapter and
proceed to Chapter 7, “Verifying System Install or Update,” on
page 117.
Mission Critical
If your system is on HP Mission Critical Support, discuss the proper
method of installing and patching the OE with your HP Customer
Required media Have these DVDs ready from the HP-UX 11i v2 media kit:
• HP-UX 11i v2 DVD
• HP-UX 11i v2 Applications DVD