Using Y
our CD–ROM Drive
Your CD–ROM Drive Configuration
Your HP–UX operating system comes with preconfigured device files and drivers. If you
use these preconfigured device files and drivers, you won’t need to configure your
CD–ROM drive with the operating system.
SCSI ID and Device File Information for HP–UX 9.05
The defauilt device files for the CD–ROM drive are in the /dev/dsk or /dev/rdsk
directories. The underlined number located in the sixth position in the device file name
indicates the SCSI address used in the file. For example, the device file c201d2
s0 located
in /dev/dsk was created for SCSI address 2.
SCSI ID and Device File Information for HP–UX 10.0
Default device file names for the CD–ROM is shown below.
Device Device File Name
CD–ROM drive
c# identifies the bus address of the SCSI interface card
t# identifies the target address of the SCSI disk
d# identifies the SCSI lun address (0, except for disk arrays)
Device file names for CD_ROM drives at HP–UX 10.0 depend on the naming
conventions of the system on which you are installing.
To create your own device files, you must reconfigure your drive with the operating
system. Y
ou can use either the System Administration Manager (SAM) or HP–UX
commands to set up the kernel and device files. With each, you must perform the
following steps:
1. Check the kernel for a device driver. If the device driver is not there, you must create
one and then reconfigure the kernel.
2. Create the appropriate device files.
3. Add a CD–ROM file system (cdfs).