label tray
identifying 12
opening 13
Microsoft Certificate of
Authenticity 18
regulatory 18
serial number 17
landscape view 9
language 53
light, power 12
low battery level 32
Main menu 52
memory test 53
microphone (audio-in) jack 12, 24
microphone, identifying 14
multimedia components,
identifying 23
navigating in BIOS Setup 49
network icon 19
on-screen keyboard
options 7
using 6
operating system 28
operating system controls 19
orientation, changing 9
pen, using 7
pinching touch screen gesture 5
portrait view 9
ports, USB 11, 37
power cord, identifying 17
power light, identifying 12
power switch, identifying 13
power, connecting 33
PowerLock 13
processor deeper power saving
states 53
product name and number,
Slate 17
programs, updating 47
public WLAN connection 20
readable media 29
regulatory information, regulatory
label 18
restoring default settings 50
rotating touch screen gesture 4
scrolling touch screen gesture 4
SD Card Reader, identifying 14
security, wireless 21
selecting in BIOS Setup 49
serial number, Slate 17
setup 11
setup, WLAN 20
shutdown 28
exiting 29
initiating 29
HP Slate Camera 27
speakers 12, 24
switch, power 13
System Configuration menu 53
system information 52
tapping touch screen gesture 3
touch screen
performing screen actions 5
preferences 5
using 3
touch screen gestures
dragging 3
flicking 3
pinching 5
rotating 4
scrolling 4
tapping 3
zooming 5
turning off the Slate 28
unresponsive system 28
USB cable, connecting 38
USB devices
connecting 37
description 37
removing 38
USB hubs 37
USB ports, identifying 11, 37
view, changing 9
volume buttons,
identifying 14, 15
Volume down button 11
Volume up button 11
volume, adjusting 25
wireless antennas 16
wireless connection, creating 19
wireless icon 19
wireless network (WLAN)
connecting 20
corporate WLAN
connection 20
equipment needed 20
functional range 20
public WLAN connection 20
security 21
WLAN antennas, identifying 16
writable media 29
zooming screen gesture 5
Index 55