Honeywell 1200g Barcode Reader User Manual

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Resetting the Factory Defaults
If you aren’t sure what programming options are in your scanner, or you’ve changed some options and want to restore the scan-
ner to factory default settings, first scan the Remove Custom Defaults bar code, then scan Activate Defaults. This resets the
scanner to the factory default settings.
Note: If using a cordless system, scanning the Activate Defaults bar code also causes both the scanner and the base or Access
Point to perform a reset and become unlinked. The scanner must be placed in its base to re-establish the link before any
setup codes are entered. If using an Access Point, the linking bar code must be scanned. See Cordless System
Operation beginning on page 3-1 for additional information.
The Serial Programming Commands, beginning on page 10-1 list the factory default settings for each of the commands (indi-
cated by an asterisk (*) on the programming pages).
This selection erases all your settings and resets the scanner to the original factory defaults.
Remove Custom Defaults
Activate Defaults