1 - 7
Keyboard Wedge Connection
3800r scanners are factory programmed for a keyboard wedge interface to an
IBM PC AT with a USA keyboard. If this is your interface and you do not need to
modify the settings, skip to
Chapter 3 - Output.
If you programmed the scanner for a different terminal interface and you want to
change to an IBM PC AT and compatibles keyboard wedge interface, scan the
bar code below.
Note: The following bar code also programs a carriage return (CR) suffix.
Laptop Direct Connect
For most laptops, scanning the Laptop Direct Connect bar code allows opera-
tion of the scanner in parallel with the integral keyboard. The following Laptop
Direct Connect bar code selects terminal ID 03, programs a carriage return
(CR) suffix and turns on Emulate External Keyboard (
page 2-5).
The RS-232 Interface bar code is used when connecting to the serial port of a
PC or terminal. The following RS-232 Interface bar code also programs a car
riage return (CR) and a line feed (LF) suffix, baud rate, and data format as indi-
cated below. It also changes the trigger mode to manual.
Wand Emulation Plug & Play
In Wand Emulation mode, the imager decodes the bar code then sends data in
the same format as a wand imager. The Code 39 Format converts all symbolo-
gies to Code 39.
Option Setting
Baud Rate 38400 bps
Data Format 8 data bits, no parity bit, 1 stop bit
IBM PC AT and Compatibles
with CR suffix
Laptop Direct Connect
with CR suffix