Updating the device driver for a DOS network server
If you are using the CD-RW drive in a DOS Network server you need to make the
following changes:
1. Add the /S parameter to the MSCDEX line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
2. Verify that the MSCDEX line is located after the line that loads the network
services (NET START for IBM PC LAN program).
3. Do one of the following, depending on your operating system:
If you are using DOS 3.3, be sure you have PC Local Area Network (LAN)
Program Corrective Service Diskette level IP00755 or later installed.
If you are using DOS 4.0, be sure you have DOS Corrective Service Diskette
level UR 29015 or later installed. (The computer cannot be configured as an
Extended Services Domain Controller for the IBM PC LAN Program.)
Contact your IBM reseller for more information about the PC LAN Program
Corrective Service Diskette or the DOS Corrective Service Diskette.
Changing the device driver for OS/2
You might need to customize the setup that the DDINSTAL file has installed on your
computer in order to meet your requirements. This section provides information and
describes parameters that you might need to change or add for your installation.
OS/2 uses the OS2CDROM.DMD device driver
to control all CD-ROM devices. The following parameters are available:
/V Instructs the computer to display the installation details.
/Q Suppresses messages during initialization.
Changing the OS/2 device driver filter
OS/2 uses the device driver filter IBMIDECD.FLT for ATAPI (IDE) CD-ROM drives.
The following parameter is available:
/V Instructs the computer to display installation details.
Changing the OS/2 installable file system driver
The file system device driver for OS/2 is CDFS.IFS. The following parameters are
/C:n Indicates how many 64 KB RAM segments will be used for the sector cache.
The default is (/C:2) two 64 KB RAM segments.
2-18 IBM 4X/8X/32X CD-ReWritable Internal IDE Option Kit