AutoSense 53, 65, 78
cables 5
CD-ROM content 49
Client 32 33
client system installation 7
communication problem, solving 46
contents, package 2
device driver parameters 53
device driver problems 47
device drivers
downloading from Internet 47
diagnostics 42
NDIS 2 device driver installation 21
Novell NetWare Requester (16–bit) driver
installation 22
downloading drivers 47
driver installation instructions 9
driver parameters 65
driver problems 47
drivers 19
DOS NDIS device driver 21
DOS Novell NetWare Requester (16–bit)
installation 22
downloading 47
from Internet 47
installing 9
messages 45
NDIS 2 20
NDIS 2 device driver using MPTS 19
NDIS 2 messages 59
NDIS device driver 19
ODI parameters 77
OS/2 NDIS device driver 20
OS/2 Novell NetWare Requester installation 20
parameters 53
solving problems with 45
Windows NT, installing 23, 24
electronic emission notices 86, 87, 88
emission notices 87
environment limitations 2
EOIDelay 55
error messages, NDIS device driver 59
expansion ROM 46
expansion slot 5
features, overview 1
diagnostics 42
features, overview 1 (continued)
drivers, installing 9
labels 45
LED states, startup 44
LEDs 43
problem indications, LEDs 45
problems, communication 46
green dot label 45
IBM support 47
inserting the adapter 5
checklist 1
DOS NDIS 2 driver 21
DOS Novell NetWare Requester (16–bit) 22
driver messages 45
in client systems 7
in server systems 9
instructions for your environment 9
messages, driver 45
Novell Client DOS/Windows 3.1x 18
Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows 95 33
Novell IntranetWare Client for Windows NT 32
Novell NetWare 3.12 Server 9
Novell NetWare 4.11 Server 12
Novell NetWare 5.0 Server 16
OS/2 NDIS 2 device driver 20
OS/2 NDIS 2 device driver using MPTS 19
OS/2 Novell NetWare Requester driver 20
software 7
Windows 2000 driver 30
Windows 95 driver
with NDIS 3.1 25
Windows NT driver 23, 24
downloading drivers from 47
kit contents 2
labels 45
LEDs 43, 44
problem indications 45
startup sequence 44
license agreement 90
limitations, environment 2
MAC 45
Managed Driver Upgrade package 34
© Copyright IBM Corp. 2000 103