Appendix
A.
Standard
configuration
properties
for
connectors
This
appendix
describes
the
standard
configuration
properties
for
the
connector
component
of
WebSphere
Business
Integration
adapters.
The
information
covers
connectors
running
with
the
following
integration
brokers:
v
WebSphere
InterChange
Server
v
WebSphere
Integrator,
WebSphere
Integrator
Broker,
and
WebSphere
Business
Integration
Message
Broker,
collectively
referred
to
as
the
WebSphere
Message
Brokers
(and
shown
as
in
the
Connector
Configurator).
v
Information
Integrator
(II)
v
WebSphere
Application
Server
If
your
adapter
supports
Information
Integrator,
use
the
options
and
the
standard
properties
(see
the
Notes
column
in
Table
on
page
85.)
The
properties
you
set
for
the
adapter
depend
on
which
integration
broker
you
use.
You
choose
the
integration
broker
using
Connector
Configurator.
After
you
choose
the
broker,
Connector
Configurator
lists
the
standard
properties
you
must
configure
for
the
adapter.
For
information
about
properties
specific
to
this
connector,
see
the
relevant
section
in
this
guide.
New
properties
These
standard
properties
have
been
added
in
this
release:
v
AdapterHelpName
v
BiDi.Application
v
BiDi.Broker
v
BiDi.Metadata
v
BiDi.Transformation
v
CommonEventInfrastructure
v
CommonEventInfrastructureContextURL
v
ControllerEventSequencing
v
jms.ListenerConcurrency
v
jms.TransportOptimized
v
ResultsSetEnabled
v
ResultsSetSize
v
TivoliTransactionMonitorPerformance
Standard
connector
properties
overview
Connectors
have
two
types
of
configuration
properties:
v
Standard
configuration
properties,
which
are
used
by
the
framework
v
Application,
or
connector-specific,
configuration
properties,
which
are
used
by
the
agent
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