Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 Administration Guide8
– View the topological connections, cross-connects, and circuits
– Locate stranded bandwidth
• Network Management:
– Create NEs manually or via discovery
– Delete NEs
– Manage NE associations
– Locate alerts in the NE, down to the affected port (either independently or using
• Security Management:
– View information about users who are logged in (user name, time logged, last
activity view), and terminate user sessions
Note: See the online help for detailed instructions for how to use the Network Pilot.
Overview of the Netcool Installer
Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5 uses the Netcool Installer. The Netcool
Installer provides a common installation interface for all Netcool products. Features and
benefits of the Netcool Installer include:
• Ease of maintenance. Updated versions of the Netcool Installer are installed
automatically with new Netcool products and patches.
• Better reuse and integration of Netcool software within a consolidated Netcool suite.
The Netcool Installer is based around packages, or installable units, which can be
shared between products. The Netcool Installer ensures that a given package is only
installed once. A package used by one product can be automatically updated by
another product that uses the same package.
• Consolidated installation logs. For information on viewing the installation log, see
"Viewing the installation log" on page 21.
• Common directory structure. For information on the directory structure for
Netcool/Precision for Transmission Networks 5.5, see "Netcool/Precision TN
directory structure" on page 28 for further details.
Attention: The directory structure for products using the Netcool Installer is not
compatible with the directory structure of older Netcool products. You must
install products using the Netcool Installer in a different directory to any
existing, non-Netcool Installer products.
Netcool Installer modes
The Netcool Installer can run in different modes. The different modes provide different
degrees of user interaction. Netcool Installer modes are described below.