05run.fm November 27, 2006
Chapter 3. Running Netcool/Precision TN
This chapter describes the process of starting and stopping Netcool/Precision TN.
This chapter contains the following sections:
• "Downloading NETypes" on page 31
• "Starting the product components" on page 31
• "Shutting down the server" on page 33
Downloading NETypes
Before stating Netcool/Precision TN, you must download the Data Collection NETypes
that are required to connect to the NEs your network:
1. Go to the IBM Tivoli Netcool support site.
2. Select Precision TN at the top of the home page; these pages include supporting
documentation on NETypes.
3. Download the NETypes you require from the download page.
4. Place the downloaded JAR files in the
<netcool_install_dir>/var/precisiontn/netype/ directory.
Note: If you require an NEType that is not available, contact IBM Tivoli Netcool
Starting the product components
Start the components in the following order:
1. The Oracle or MySQL database
2. The Netcool/Precision TN server
3. The Network Pilot client
These steps are described in detail in the following sections.