IBM DS4000 FC Network Card User Manual

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How this book is organized
Chapter 1, “Preparing and installing the IBM System Storage DS4000 FC 4Gbps
PCI-X Single/Dual Port HBA,” on page 1 describes the IBM System Storage
DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual Port HBA. This chapter includes an overview
of the IBM System Storage DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual Port HBA
features and contains the information and instructions needed to prepare and install
the IBM System Storage DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual Port HBA.
Chapter 2, “Installing the FC 4Gbps PCI-X Adapter device drivers and updating the
BIOS code,” on page 9 provides information for updating the IBM System Storage
DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual Port HBA BIOS code.
Chapter 3, “Configuring the FC 4Gbps PCI-X Adapter with Fast!UTIL,” on page 23
provides detailed configuration information for users who want to customize the
configuration of the IBM System Storage DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual Port
HBA and connected Fibre Channel devices.
Chapter 4, “FC 4Gbps PCI-X Adapter operating environment and specifications,” on
page 29 contains the IBM System Storage DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual
Port HBA operating environment and specification information.
Chapter 5, “Troubleshooting,” on page 31 covers the types of installation problems
that can cause the IBM System Storage DS4000 FC 4Gbps PCI-X Single/Dual Port
HBA to function incorrectly.
Appendix A, “Accessibility,” on page 33 provides information about alternate
keyboard navigation, which is a DS4000 Storage Manager accessibility feature.
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted
mobility or limited vision, to use software products successfully.
Appendix B, “Notices,” on page 35 provides product notices.
Appendix C, “European Directive About Product Recycling and Disposal,” on page
39 provides information about European standards for recycling and disposal.
Appendix D, “Battery Return Program,” on page 41 provides information about the
proper disposal and/or recycling of batteries.
Appendix E, “Cable Warning,” on page 43 discloses the possible hazards
associated with handling cables for this product or cords associated with
accessories sold with this product.
About this document xxi