IBM ECS-320A Network Card User Manual

possible baud rates (9600, 38400, 115200) and verifying communication status. The remainder of the
settings are automatically configured by the communications library.
5 Host Side Interface
5.1 Baud Rate
The baud rate of the host side can be fixed to the configuration of the camera electronics or it can be
designed to detect the active baud rate. When opening the port on the host application side the
function requires a baud rate parameter. See function definition below.
DWORD McbOpenCom(HMCBCOM* phCom, int port, int speed = 9600, LPWSTR remoteServer = NULL);
Using the open handle with the desired baud rate, the host application can call the function below.
By verifying the return of this function it can be determined if the baud rate setting is valid. Once it has
been determined the connection is valid then data transfer can begin.
5.2 Function Subset
All of the functions contained in the Motorola communications library can be found in the ‘mcbcom.h’
file as well as the ‘Mcbcom.chm’ compiled HTML help file. Only those that are typical for interfacing
with the camera electronics will be discussed here.
5.2.1 McbOpenCom
This function is used to open a PC Master Communications resource to begin data transfer. The
pointer that is supplied is filled with a handle to the resource if successful. That handle is used in
every subsequent call via the library to the camera electronics.
Function Definition: MCBCOM_API DWORD McbOpenCom(HMCBCOM* phCom, int port, int speed =
9600, LPWSTR remoteServer = NULL);
5.2.2 McbCloseCom
This function is used to close an existing PC Master communications resource. This function should
be called when exiting the application, or when needing to change the resource configuration (baud
Function Definition: MCBCOM_API void McbCloseCom(HMCBCOM hCom);
5.2.3 McbDetect
Call this function to detect if the communications link to the camera electronics is successful.
Function Definition: MCBCOM_API DWORD McbDetect(HMCBCOM hCom,
5.2.4 McbGetInfo
Call this function to obtain information about the protocol as it exists on the camera electronics. The
supplied pointer is used to fill a data structure with the requested data.
Function Definition: MCBCOM MCBCOM_API DWORD McbGetInfo(HMCBCOM hCom,