Bits 10-11 (Pfv Src Sel): Processed FPA Video Source Select: 0 – Digital FPA Video; 1 – NUC
Corrected Video; 2 – Pixel Replaced Video; 3 – ITT Video
6.9.4 ATC Offset Coefficient Register
Address: 0x4007
16-Bit Signed Constant Added to Output of NUC Circuit (Prior to NUC Refresh)
-16,384 <= Atc Ofst <= 16,383.5
6.10 Access to Serial Data Flash
The Atmel serial data flash chip has 4096 pages of storage each with 264 bytes. The pages have
been allocated as follows for the embedded application.
UPage(s)U UAllocated Use
0 - 7 Reserved
8 - 23 Op Mode Descriptor Tables (16x)
24 - 87 NUC Mode Descriptor Tables (64x)
88 - 127 Reserved
128 - 159 Zone Statistic Descriptor Tables (32x) (Currently not used)
160 - 190 Reserved
191 Overlay Palettes (8x)
192 - 223 Color Palette Y Tables (16x)
224 - 255 Color Palette Cr/Cb Tables (16x)
256 - 319 User Defect Pixel Lists (64x) (Currently not used)
320 - 511 Reserved
512 - 1145 FPA Processor FPGA Configuration File
1146 - 1535 Expansion FPGA Configuration File
1536 - 2175 Stored Image 0 (Currently not used)
2176 - 2815 Stored Image 1 (Currently not used)
2816 - 3455 Stored Image 2 (Currently not used)
3456 - 4095 Stored Image 3 (Currently not used)
The host can read/write to these locations through the use of the CMD_COPY_SFLASH_PAGE,
implemented in Lumitron’s host applications to load palettes, FPGA configuration files, operational
mode descriptors, and NUC mode descriptors.
7 Remote Calibration Process
The process to complete a non-uniformity calibration is initiated with a Lumitron defined command.
After the calibration command has been issued, the embedded application communicates with the
host based on the state of the “CameraConfig.camStats.HostStatusCode” global structure member.
This variable, hereafter referred to as status code, has its state set by either the embedded application
or the host application depending upon the next step in the process.
Status codes that are used in the calibration or defective pixel detection process are as follows: