IBM LE-565 Switch User Manual

Menu: Help Heater-specific diagnosis
2.10.Menu: Help
2.10.1. Help
This menu displays help topics relating to this diagnostic software.
To obtain help on the program and problems, select menu command
Help/Help or click the button . From this window you can go to
instructions that will give you a step by step guide to using Webasto
Thermo Test 2002 or you can view various types of reference
As soon as you have opened the help topic you can click the
Contents button at any time to return to the contents window.
2.10.2. Program information
This displays the version of this diagnostic software.
Select the Help/Program information… menu command or click the
button to obtain information on your WTT version.
Click <OK> to close the program information window. Seite 22 Donnerstag, 16. Juni 2005 11:47 11