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4.3 Authenticator Setup
1. For EAP-MD5 Authentication, WEP key must be set previously. Go to Wireless>Authentication.
Enable WEP key, and enter a desired key string. You can skip this step if using EAP-TLS Authentication.
2. Click on 802.1X for detailed configuration.
3. Enable 802.1X Authentication by selecting Enable.
4. If EAP-MD5 is used, you can leave the settings in Encryption Key Length and Lifetime as default. If
you are using EAP-TLS authentication, set the Encryption Key Length ranging from 64 to 256 Bits and
the Lifetime from 5 Minutes to 1 Day. As soon as the lifetime expires, the Encryption Key will be renewed
by RADIUS server.
5. Enter the IP address, Port number, and Shared Secret Key used by the Primary Radius Server.