Heatsink Clip Load Metrology
Thermal and Mechanical Design Guidelines 43
Appendix A Heatsink Clip Load
A.1 Overview
The primary objective of the preload measurement is to ensure the preload designed
into the retention mechanism is able to meet minimum of 8.7lbf at end-of-line and
does not violate the maximum specifications of the package.
A.2 Test Preparation
A.2.1 Heatsink Preparation
The following components are required to validate a generic z-clip solution:
1. Thermal solution heatsink (for example, PN: D96271-001 for the Intel Celeron
processor 200 sequence on Intel
Desktop Board D201GLY2)
2. Z-clip (for example, PN: D96271-001 for the Intel Celeron processor 200
sequence on Intel
Desktop Board D201GLY2)
3. 2X Anchors (IPN: A13494-008 if using Intel’s part)
4. Customized top plate to allow anchor attachment and package simulator
A.2.2 Typical Test Equipment
For the heatsink clip load measurement, use equivalent test equipment to the one
Table 5.