Intel 537EX Modem User Manual

20 536EX Chipset Developers Manual
Intel Confidential
AT Command Summary Tables
connect state, transmits
Enters command mode,
no break sent
command state, transmits
connect state, receives
connect state, transmits
Nondestructive/expeditedcommand state, transmits
connect state, receives
connect state, transmits
Enters command mode,
no break sent
command state, transmits
connect state, receives
connect state, transmits
command state, transmits
connect state, receives
* \T0 Disables inactivity timer 0 090 yes
* \Xn Set XON/XOFF pass-through 0 0, 1 yes
\X0 Processes flow control characters
Processes flow control characters and passes to local
or remote
* -Jn Set V.42 detect phase 1 0, 1 yes
-J0 Disables the V.42 detect phase
-J1 Enables the V.42 detect phase
* Hn V.42 bis compression control 3 03yes
H0 Disables V.42 bis
H1 Enables V.42 bis only when transmitting data
H2 Enables V.42 bis only when receiving data
Enables V.42 bis for both transmitting and receiving
On V.42 bis string length 32 6250 no
+DR=m Controls data compression reporting 0 0, 1 no
m=0 Disabled
m=1 Enabled
* +DS=m Controls V.42 bis data compression
3, 0,
2048, 6
See note yes
Table 6. V.44/V.42/V.42 bis MNP Command Summary (Continued)
Note Command Function Default Range
by &Vn
* Value saved in NVRAM.