54 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
+PCW=m 0
Call Waiting Enable: This command controls the action to be taken upon detection of call waiting in a
V.92 DCE.
0 Toggle V.24 Circuit 125 and collect Caller ID if enabled by +VCID
1 Hang up
2 Ignore V.92 call waiting
This command causes the DCE to activate/de-activate the hook relay for supporting the 2C relay.
0 connects the telco terminals to the modem
1 connects the telco terminals to the phone terminals
+PIG=m 1
PCM Upstream Ignore: This command controls the use of PCM upstream in a V.92 DCE.
0 Enable PCM upstream
1 Disable PCM upstream
+PMH=m 0
Modem on Hold Enable: This command controls whether or not modem on hold procedures are
enabled during V.92 operation.
0 Enables V.92 modem on hold
1 Disables V.92 modem on hold
+PMHF none
V.92 Modem on Hold Hook Flash: This command causes the DCE to go on-hook for a specified period
of time, and then return on-hook. The specified period of time is normally one-half second, but may be
governed by national regulations. If this command is initiated and the modem is not On Hold, ERROR is
returned. This command applies only to V.92 Modem on Hold.
+PMHR none
Initiate Modem on Hold: This command requests the DCE to initiate or to confirm a modem on hold
procedure. The DCE shall return ERROR if Modem on Hold is not enabled or if the DCE is in an idle
condition. The DCE shall return the string response +PMHR: <value> where <value> is a decimal value
corresponding to the Modem on Hold timer value received or the request status during the DCE’s
modem on hold exchange procedure as defined below. This response may be delayed depending upon
the context under which the +PMHR command is made, i.e., if the +PMHR is in response to an incoming
Modem on Hold or if it is initiating a request.
<value> Description
0 V.92 Modem on Hold Request Denied or not available
1 MOH with 10 second time-out Granted
2 MOH with 20 second time-out Granted
3 MOH with 30 second time-out Granted
4 MOH with 40 second time-out Granted
5 MOH with 1 minute time-out Granted
6 MOH with 2 minute time-out Granted
7 MOH with 3 minute time-out Granted
8 MOH with 4 minute time-out Granted
9 MOH with 6 minute time-out Granted
10 MOH with 8 minute time-out Granted
11 MOH with 12 minute time-out Granted
12 MOH with 16 minute time-out Granted
13 MOH with indefinite time-out Granted
Table 18. Data Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)
Command Default Description
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.