78 536EX Chipset Developer’s Manual
Intel Confidential
IS-101 Voice Mode AT Commands
Relay/Playback Control: (cont.)
Voice I/O Primitive Codes
NOTE: For speakerphone applications, see ATI10, +VSP, and “Speakerphone AT Command
Requirements” in the Voice Application Note for more details.
+VNH=m 0
Automatic Hang-Up Control: This command changes the way the modem responds to hang-up
commands after it switches from voice mode to fax or data modes.
Range: 0–2
0* The modem retains automatic hang-ups as normal in data and fax modes
1 The modem disables automatic hang-ups usually found in non-voice modes
2 The modem disables all automatic hang-ups usually found in non-voice modes except a
‘logical’ hang-up
+VRA=m 50
Ringback-Goes-Away Timer: After originating a call in voice mode, this command selects the length
of time the DCE waits between ringbacks before the DCE assumes the remote party has gone off
hook. After dialing a phone number and detecting a ringback, the modem sends <DLE><O> to the DTE
if another ringback is not detected within this timer value. This indicates that the remote telephone has
been picked up (that is, gone off-hook). The ringback-goes-away timer is reset every time a new
ringback is detected.
Range: 0–50 (in 100 ms increments)
0 The DCE returns the ‘OK’ code immediately after ringback.
50* (50 = 5.0 seconds)*
+VRN=m 10
Ringback-Never-Appeared Timer: This command sets the length of time the DCE waits for ringback
when originating a call in voice mode. After dialing a phone number, the modem sends an ‘Error’ result
code to the DTE if ringback is not detected before the timer value elapses. This may indicate one of
several conditions: the remote telephone was picked up before the ringback tone was generated; the
number is no longer in service; or the number was incomplete. This timer is disabled after detecting the
first ringback.
Range: 0–255 (in 1 second increments)
0 The DCE immediately returns the OK result code after dialing
10* (10 = 10 seconds)*
Table 25. Voice Mode Command Descriptions (Continued)
Command Default Description
NOTE: An asterisk (*) denotes the factory-default setting.
Primitive Code Description
L Local phone
T Telco line
M0 Internal microphone
M1 External microphone
S0 Internal speaker (requires squelch on any microphone activity)
S1 External speaker (requires squelch on any microphone activity)
H0 External microphone and speaker combination (handset or headset)