
Intel® Server Boards S5000PSL and S5000XSL TPS Design and Environmental Specifications
Revision 1.2
Intel order number: D41763-003
8.2.1 Processor Power Support
The server board supports the Thermal Design Point (TDP) guideline for Intel
processors. The Flexible Motherboard Guidelines (FMB) has also been followed to help
determine the suggested thermal and current design values for anticipating future processor
needs. The following table provides maximum values for Icc, TDP power and T
for the dual
core Intel
processor 5000 sequence family.
Table 38. Intel
Processor Dual Processor TDP Guidelines
130 W 70º C 150 A
Note: These values are for reference only. The Dual-Core Intel® Xeon®) processor 5000
sequence Datasheet contains the actual specifications for the processor. If the values found in
the Dual-Core Intel(r) Xeon(r) processor 5000 sequence Datasheet are different than those
published here, the Dual-Core Intel(r) Xeon(r) processor 5000 sequence Datasheet values will
supersede these, and should be used.
8.3 Power Supply Output Requirements
This section is for reference purposes only. The intent is to provide guidance to system
designers to determine a power supply for use with this server board. This section specifies the
power supply requirements Intel used to develop a power supply for its 5U server system.
The combined power of all outputs shall not exceed the rated output power of the power supply.
The power supply must meet both static and dynamic voltage regulation requirements for the
minimum loading conditions.
Table 39. 550 W Load Ratings
Voltage Minimum
+3.3 V 1.5 A 24 A
+5 V 1.0 A 24 A
+12 V1 0.5 A 16 A 18 A
+12 V2 0.5 A 16 A 18 A
+12 V3 0.5 A 14 A
+12 V4 0.5 A 8 A 13 A
-12 V 0 A 0.5 A
+5 VSB 0.1 A 3.0 A 3.5 A
1. Maximum continuous total DC output power should not exceed 550 W.
2. Maximum continuous combined load on +3.3 VDC and +5 VDC outputs shall not exceed 140W.
3. Maximum peak total DC output power should not exceed 660W.
4. Peak power and current loading shall be supported for a minimum of 12 seconds.
5. Maximum combined current for the 12 V outputs shall be 41 A.
6. Peak current for the combined 12 V outputs shall be 50A.