Chapter 4 — Configuration Command Reference
SF51 Cordless Scanner User’s Guide 45
Symbology Identifier
Symbology identifiers allow you to indicate what type of data is
being sent by prepending an identifier to the data. You can
prepend one of the following types of character strings to
identify which symbology the data is using.
Symbology Identifier Options
The AIM Standard for symbology identifiers
consists of a three-character structure indicating
the symbology and the optional features of the
symbology. For more information about the AIM
Standard for symbology identifiers, refer to the
AIM ISO/IEC Standard.
character string
The user-defined symbology identifier is one to
four ASCII characters in length. You can configure
user-defined symbology identifiers to assign
custom identifier strings to the bar code
Enables or disables decoding of Telepen symbology. Telepen is
the only symbology to directly represent the full ASCII character
set without shift characters. It is extremely secure as it has
negligible risk of misreads and has a double density numeric
only mode.
Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes
Use this command to invalidate a second bar code read that
occurs before the timeout expires. Use this command when
scanning bar codes that contain different data as opposed to the
Timeout Between Identical Consecutive Codes command that
you use when your bar codes contain identical data.
You can set Timeout Between Different Consecutive Codes to a
value from 0 to 2550 ms.