A-61588 July 2008 4-1
4 Configuring the Scan Station
Chapter 4 provides step-by-step procedures for configuring the Scan
Station. Some of these procedures require more detailed information.
Specific section references are made throughout this chapter as to
where to find more detailed information in Chapter 5, Scan Station
Administration Specifics.
Selecting your
default Scan Station
The Scan Station can be configured with default values for settings
such as; Scan As, File Type, File Name Settings, etc. These defaults
will be used when scanning documents unless they are changed by the
user prior to scanning. If your organization typically scans black and
white documents into PDF files, you may want to change the default
settings to Scan As: Black and White.
1. Double-click the Configuration Organizer icon on your desktop to
launch the application. Because you are setting up your Scan
Station, you should select the Administrator option under the File
2. Select the Settings button to display the Configuration screen.