Quick Confiruration Reference Guide
June 1999 3
- When the printer is powered up, the red LED should
blink momentarily and then go out. If the red LED blinks continuously,
there is a problem.
- When the printer is READY, the green LED is lit
continuously if valid link connectivity to a corresponding hub/switch
network port is established.
Yellow 100baseT LED
- When the printer is READY, the yellow LED is
lit continuously if the NIC detects 100 Mbit network operation. If the
yellow LED is OFF, the NIC has detected 10 Mbit network operation.
NIC Configuration Utilities
The printer must be either reset using remote configuration tools
or power cycled after changing NIC parameters.
Printer Front Control Panel:
Some NIC configuration parameters
such as the TCP/IP address can be configured from the printer’s front
control panel.
Web Browser:
Any platform with internet access can use a Web
browser tool to access and configure the NIC by entering the printer
(NIC) IP address as the Web location. (It may be necessary to turn
proxies off.) The NIC default access password is “access”.
The NIC may be configured from Windows platforms using
a Web browser, XAdmin, XConfig or Telnet.
The AppleTalk Name can be modified by using
LaserWriter utilities provided with Macintosh systems. Refer to Apple’s
Web site for these utilities.
Use a Web Browser or Telnet.
Serial Interface to NIC:
A serial interface is also provided on the NIC
face plate for NIC configuration and troubleshooting.