Kodak 8670 Printer User Manual

Part No. 6B4389 June 1999 B-1
Appendix B Command Summary
Command line input applies to the use of the following NIC
configuration mechanisms:
Terminal on NIC Serial Port
When connecting to the NIC, you get a message such as
Console Connected or Remote Console Reserved when you are
connected. Press RETURN, type the password ACCESS when
you get the # prompt, and type anything in response to the Enter
Username prompt. Enter commands at the Local>prompt.
NOTE: The commands available are generally a subset of the
commands used on terminal servers. There is no
distinction between the SET and DEFINE commands or
between the CLEAR and PURGE commands. When you
type CTRL-D to exit the remote console, any of these
commands take effect, and the results are stored
permanently. It is not necessary to enter both a SET and a
DEFINE to execute a command and save the results.
General Server Commands
Removes a string number. Refer to Appendix B for more
CLear FAtal
Deletes fatal error log
CLear POrt P1 JOB
clears current entry in the NIC’s internal queue
Exits print server console
Provides information on available commands