Automatically Sending Content to Multiple People at Once
You can send content to multiple people at once using an email distribution active folder. You can
configure a Share as an Email Active Folder so that when you add files to that Share, they are
automatically sent to the recipients on the email distribution list. To configure a Share as an Email Active
Folder, access Shares from the ix2 Management Console, select or create a Share, and expand the Active
Folders section to enable and configure email distribution.
How to Set Up an Email Distribution Active Folder
Email Distribution lets you email your files to friends and family right from your ix2 Management
Console. Use Email Distribution to share files with an email list. To prevent email distribution list
spamming, the ix2 allows lists of 250 or fewer email recipients and sends a maximum of six
emails in a 24-hour period.
Refer to Managing Shares on page 23 for more information on managing Shares and Active Folders.
Configuring an Email Distribution Active Folder
1. From the ix2 Management Console, click Shares.
2. Select a Share to use as an Email Distribution Active Folder, and click to expand the Active
Folder section.
3. Check Enable.
4. Select Email Distribution from the drop-down menu.
5. Include an email address in the Sender Email Address text box. Distribution is sent from this
email address.
6. You can add multiple email addresses in the Email To: text box by separating them with commas,
spaces, or semicolons.
7. Add a subject and email message for your recipients.
8. Check Send the file as an attachment, Send a link to the file, or both.
9. Click Apply to save your changes.
10. Once configured, all files in this Share are sent by email to your recipients. Click View Transfer
History to see the transfer activity from this Share to your account.
Sharing Files
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