Item Description
Enable WEP To enable WEP encryption when WEP is
disabled. When it is selected, the prompt
″This will disconnect current wireless
projecting session.″ The new setting will take
effect in 10 seconds. Continue?″ will appear.
If select ″Yes″, any existing wireless
projecting session or USB image display will
be terminated immediately. When the
projector is WEP-enabled, the session key
will be shown at the bottom right corner of
the projection screen display, you must input
the new session key while starting a wireless
projecting or retrieving the status of the
Disable WEP To disable WEP encryption when WEP is
enabled. When it is selected, the prompt
″This will disconnect current wireless
projecting session.″ The new setting will take
effect in 10 seconds. Continue?″ will appear.
If select ″Yes″, any exisiting wireless
projecting session or USB image display will
be terminated immediately. When the
projector is WEP-disabled and there is no
session key shown at the bottom right
corner of the projection screen display, you
can start a wireless projecting or retrieve the
status of the projector without any session
Refresh Session Key
Note: This option will only be available if
WEP is enabled.
Replaces the Session key with a new
random session key. When it is selected, the
prompt ″This will disconnect current
wireless projecting session.″ The new setting
will take effect in 10 seconds. Continue?″
will appear. If select ″Yes″, any exisiting
wireless projecting session or USB image
display will be terminated immediately.
When the session key is changed the input
is shown at the bottom right corner of the
projection screen display. You must input the
new session key while starting a wireless
projecting or retrieving the status of the
Wireless Repair When this is selected, the prompt ″This will
restart the wireless Card. The new setting
will take effect in 40 seconds. Continue?″
will appear. If select ″Yes″, any existing
wireless projecting session or USB image
display will be terminated immediately.
Session Key Shows the current session key. It is visible
only when WEP is enabled. The session key
will be updated when you enable WEP,
refresh Session Key, select wireless repair or
power on.
Chapter 7.
On-Screen Display menu controls 7-9