Group Members
This screen allows you to check which users are members of the group, and to add or revoke membership of
this group.
Note: The "everyone" Group ALWAYS contains all users. You cannot add or remove members.
Group Members Screen
Group Name
The name of the Group being modified is shown at the top of the
Members (users)
The "Members" column on the left shows the users who are cur-
rently members of this Group.
Other Users
The "Other Users" column on the right shows users who are not
currently members of this Group.
To Add a Member
to the Group
Select the User or Users in the right-hand column, then click the
"<<" Button. Multiple Users can be selected by holding down the
CTRL Key while selecting.
To Delete a
Member from the
Select the User or Users in the left-hand column, then click the ">>"
Button. Multiple Users can be selected by holding down the CTRL
Key while selecting.
When finished, click the "Close" Button.
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