Level One Printer Servers
This is a text field. Enter the name of the community.
Select the desired level of access.
Trap Receivers
Receiver No.
Select the Trap Receiver number (1..4), and click the Get Data button
to update the display for the selected item.
IP Address
Enter the IP Address of the Trap Receiver, which will be sent the
Trap message.
This is a text field. Enter the name of the community.
Check to enable; select the severity level.
Note: Currently, all traps are level 1.
Configure Server
Figure 35: Configure Server Screen
LevelOne Printer
Server Name
Change the default name if you wish. The new name must not
contain any spaces or blanks.
Enter the device password, and again in the Verify field. Once a
password is entered, it is required in order to gain access and
change the configuration.
Enable Protocols
Non-TCP/IP may be disabled if they are not required on your LAN.
The available protocols depend on the LevelOne Printer Server
Other Screens
Server Status
This screen shows server system data and the current settings for all of the other screens. It is
read-only; no data can be input on this screen.
Printer Ports
This screen displays the current status of each port. For each port, the following data is listed:
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