Security menu
Miscellaneous Security Settings menu
Use To
Login Restrictions
Login failures*
Failure time frame*
Lockout time*
Panel Login Timeout
Remote Login Timeout
Limit the number and time frames of failed login attempts from the printer control
panel before all users are locked out.
• “Login failures” specifies the number of failed login attempts before users are
locked out. Settings range from 1–10. 3 attempts is the factory default setting.
• “Failure time frame” specifies the time frame during which failed login
attempts can be made before users are locked out. Settings range from 1–60
minutes. 5 minutes is the factory default setting.
• “Lockout time” specifies how long users are locked out after exceeding the
login failures limit. Settings range from 1–60 minutes. 5 minutes is the factory
default setting.
• Panel Login Timeout specifies how long the printer remains idle on the home
screen before automatically logging the user off. Settings range from 1–900
seconds. 3 seconds is the factory default setting.
• Remote Login Timeout specifies how long a remote interface remains idle
before automatically logging the user off. Settings range from 1–120 minutes.
10 minutes is the factory default setting.
Minimum PIN Length
Limit the digit length of the PIN.
Note: 4 is the factory default setting.
* These menus appear only in touch-screen printer models.
Confidential Print menu
Use To
Max Invalid PIN
Limit the number of times an invalid PIN can be entered.
• This menu appears only when a formatted, non-defective printer hard disk is installed.
• Once the limit is reached, the print jobs for that user name and PIN are deleted.
Confidential Job Expiration
1 hour
4 hours
24 hours
1 week
Limit the amount of time a confidential print job stays in the printer before it is deleted.
• If the “Confidential Job Expiration” setting is changed while confidential print jobs
reside in the printer RAM or printer hard disk, then the expiration time for those print
jobs does not change to the new default value.
• If the printer is turned off, then all confidential jobs held in the printer RAM are
Note: Off is the factory default setting.
Understanding the printer menus 143