ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 202
Test SMTP Filtering
Now that the SMTP Server Publishing Rule and SMTP Message Screener configurations are
in place, we’re ready to test the effectiveness of the Message Screener.
Perform the following on the external client machine to test the inbound SMTP relay function:
1. On the external client computer, open Outlook Express. If presented with the e-mail
account Wizard, cancel out of the Wizard so that you can manually configure the e-mail
2. In the Outlook Express application, click the Tools menu and click Accounts.
3. In the Internet Accounts dialog box, click Add. Click the Mail command.
4. In the Your Name text box, enter your name. Click Next.
5. In the E-mail address text box, enter an e-mail address. In this example we will enter
administrator@Internal.net. Click Next.
6. On the E-mail Server Names page, confirm that POP3 is selected in the My incoming
mail server is a X server list. Enter a bogus entry in the Incoming mail (POP3, IMAP or
HTTP) server text box. In this example, we will enter blah.com. In the Outgoing mail
(SMTP) server text box, enter the IP address that the External SMTP Relay Server
Publishing Rule is listening on. In this example, the External SMTP Relay Server
Publishing Rule is listening on the address, so we will enter that value into
this text box. Click Next.
7. On the Internet Mail Logon page, enter a bogus account name in the Account name
text box. In this example, enter the name Administrator. In the password box, enter a
random password. Click Next.
8. Click Finish on the Congratulations page.
9. Click Close in the Internet Accounts dialog box.
10. Click the Create Mail button in the Outlook Express button bar.
11. In the New Message dialog box, enter the address administrator@msfirewall.org.
Enter mail enhancement in the Subject text box. Click Send in the button bar.
12. Return to the ISA Server 2004 firewall machine. Click Start and Windows Explorer.
Navigate to C:\Inetpub\mailroot\Badmail. You will see three files with the file extensions
.BAD, .BDP and .BDR. These entries represent components of the blocked e-mail
message. You can view them using the Notepad application.
13. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Microsoft ISA Server\ISALogs folder. Double click on
the ISALOG_Date_EML_xxx.iis file. Open the file with the Notepad application. There
you will see entries in the log regarding how the SMTP Message Screener processed the
14. You can repeat the above steps on the CLIENT on the Internal network. In the e-mail
message, include the word resume in the subject or body of the message. You will find
that message is blocked and logged by the SMTP message screener. You can also send
e-mail messages without the blocked words, and the outbound SMTP relay will forward
the mail to the external e-mail user.