Exporting Firewall Policy
You may not always want or need to export all aspects of the ISA Server 2004 firewall
configuration. For example, you may have problems with your Access Policies and want
someone to view them for you. You can export the firewall’s current Access Policies and send
the export file to an ISA Server 2004 professional who can quickly import the policies into a
test machine and troubleshoot the problem.
In the following example we will export the VPN Clients configuration to a file. Perform the
following steps to export the VPN Clients configuration:
1. In the Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration Server 2004 management
console, expand your server name in the left pane of the console and then right click on
the Virtual Private Networks (VPN) node. Click on the Export VPN Clients
Configuration command.
2. In the Export Configuration dialog box, enter a name for the export file in the File name
text box. Make a note of where you are storing the file, which is displayed in the Save in
drop down list. Put checkmarks in the Export user permission settings and Export
confidential information (encryption will be used) check boxes if you want to save the
private information included in the VPN Clients configuration (such as IPSec shared
secrets). In this example we will call the file VPN Clients Backup. Click Export.
ISA Server 2004 Configuration Guide 85