Mitsubishi Electronics XD700U Projector User Manual

• ThenumberofcharactersofKEYvaries
depending on the Encryption setting.
• WEP128bit(ASCII):13chars
• WEP64bit(ASCII): 5chars
• WEP128bit(HEX): 26digits
• WEP64bit(HEX): 10digits
• WPA-PSK(ASCII): 8-63chars
• WPA2-PSK(ASCII):8-63chars
• WPA-PSK(HEX): 64digits
• WPA2-PSK(HEX): 64digits
• Iftheenteredcontentisoutsidecharacter
number range, the KEY screen appears again
after an error dialog is displayed.
Wireless Setup setting
1. Display the Wireless Setting menu.
2. Press the or button to select Wireless Setup.
Wireless Setup
3. Press the ENTER button.
• Conrmationdialogappears.
4. If the ENTER button is pressed again, the Wireless
Setting will be reflected.
• Itmaytakesometimetoreectthesetting.
Enabling or disabling the AMX
Device Discovery
Select this setting when using the AMX controller.
(See page 22 for menu setting.)
1. Display the Network Config menu.
2. Press the or button to select AMX Device
AMX Device Discovery
3. Press the ENTER button.
• AMXdialogappears.
4. Press the or button to select ON or OFF .
5. Select the item to set, and press the ENTER button.
• Tocancelthesetting,presstheMENUbutton.
• Itmaytakesometimetoreectthesetting.
Initialization of network settings
(See page 22 for menu setting.)
1. Display the Network Config menu.
2. Press the or button to select Network
Network Initialization
3. Press the ENTER button.
• NetworkInitializationdialogappears.
4. If the ENTER button is pressed again, the network
settings will be initialized.
• Itmaytakesometimetoinitializethesettings.
Restart of network function
(See page 22 for menu setting.)
1. Display the Network Config menu.
2. Press the or button to select Network Restart.
Network Restart
3. Press the ENTER button.
• NetworkRestartdialogappears.
4. If the ENTER button is pressed again, the network
function will be restarted.
• Itmaytakesometimetorestartthefunction.
How to use network function
• Whenconnectingacomputerandprojectorwith
LAN, configure the both IP Addresses in the
same network group.
If connecting in different network group, be sure
to use a router. As for the settings of a router, ask
the network administrator.
• ConguretheIPCongcorrectly.Ifthesettings
are not correct, the communication may be
unavailable. For the detail, consult the network
• DependingonthesettingsofStandbyModeof
the projector, LAN function may be unavailable.
See page 27 for the detail of Standby Mode.
For more detail of the glossary below, refer to the
technical book that is commercially available.
Term Description
Abbreviation for Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol. This
protocol automatically assigns IP
Address to networked devices.
IP Address
Numerical address to identify
networked computers.
Subnet Mask
A numeric value to define the
number of bits used for a network
address of a divided network (or
subnet) in an IP Address.
Default Gateway
A server (or router) to communicate
across networks (subnets) that are
divided by Subnet Mask.
MAC Address
Abbreviation for Media Access
Control Address. MAC Address is a
unique ID number assigned to each
network adapter. And this is based
on which data are sent and received
between network adapters.
Network settings (continued)