3.4 Setup
Use the following steps to setup your MultiFRAD. If V.35 electrical
interface signaling is required on the data port, but a pc with EIA-232D
signaling is being used to configure the MultiFRAD, the unit has to be
configured before you change to V.35 signaling. Perform the following
procedure to connect your cables, configure the unit, and then change
to V.35 signaling on the data port.
1. Ensure that the DIP-Switch settings on the side of the unit are set
for a command mode of operation. Refer to the Switch Settings in
Chapter 2.
Figure 3-1. DIP-Switch Settings
2. Connect the external wall transformer power supply to the Multi-
FRAD and plug it into a live AC outlet. The MultiFRAD does not
have a power switch. When power is applied to the unit, the front
panel LEDs will light.
Figure 3-2. Power Connection
3. Connect a pc running Windows® to the Data connector on the
back of the MultiFRAD. Use an appropriate EIA-232D cable.
Refer to Appendix A for EIA-232D cable details.
PC Serial Cable
Figure 3-3. Data Connection