v1.1, May 2006
Chapter 18
This section provides information about the Syslog feature.
• Allows you to store system messages and/or errors
• Can store to local files on the switch or a remote server running a syslog daemon
• Method of collecting message logs from many systems
Persistent Log Files
• Currently three - one for each of the last three sessions
• Each log has two parts:
– Start up log is the first 32 messages after system startup
– Operational log is the last 32 messages received after the startup log is full
• Files are stored in ASCII format
– slog0.txt - slog2.txt
– olog0.txt - olog2.txt
Where 0 is for the boot, 1 is for the last boot, 2 is for the boot before that, and
the third one falls off.
• Can be saved to local server to monitor at a later point in time