Use Your Hotspot
AirCard 779S Mobile Hotspot
4. Select Wi-Fi > CONNECT.
5. Click the WPS button for either the main Wi-Fi or the guest Wi-Fi network (if available).
6. Choose the WPS method you want to use:
• WPS button pairing. If the device you want to connect includes a WPS button, click
the WPS button pairing button and, within two minutes (120 seconds), press the
s WPS button.
• Enter WPS PIN. If a WPS PIN is associated with the device you want to connect,
click the Enter WPS PIN butt
on and enter the device’s WPS PIN.
Your hotspot and the wireless device communicate and establish the connection.
Set the Maximum Number of Connected Devices
You can connect up to 10 wireless devices to the hotspot. These connections are shared
between the hotspot’s main and secondary Wi-Fi networks.
To set the number of devices that can connect to each Wi-Fi network:
1. Launch a web browser from a computer or wireless device that is connected to the