Frequently Asked Questions
AirCard 779S Mobile Hotspot
What do I do if I forget my admin login password?
The default admin login password is attadmin, and the hotspot web page URL is
http://attwifimanager or
If you changed the admin login password and can’t remember the password that you created,
you must set the hotspot back to factory defaults.
To reset the hotspot:
1. Press the Power button for fifteen seconds.
A factory reset takes about one minute. After the device resets, reconnect Wi-Fi devices.
General Questions
Review these general questions about the hotspot.
Why is the signal indicator always low?
If reception for your hotspot is poor, try moving the hotspot to a location with a clear view of
the sky (for example, near a window).
Why is the download or upload speed slow?
Data transfer speed depends on signal strength and interfering radio sources like electrical
generators or other hotspot Wi-Fi devices. Review the following possibilities:
• Check your signal strength and network type (for example, LTE 4G is generally faster
than 3G).
• Check Wi-Fi interference by powering the hotspot off and on to find a better Wi-Fi
• Switch Wi-Fi channel from 2.4 GHz to 5 GHz.
• If the network signal is low, consider using external antennas or cradle the hotspot with
built-in high-gain antennas.
How do I turn the hotspot off?
Press and hold the Power button for five seconds.
The LCD is not lit. How do I know if the hotspot is still
powered on?
The LCD dims to save energy. The LED continues to flash slowly to indicate that the mobile
hotspot is still powered on. To wake up the LCD, press and quickly release the Power button.