Problem Two: Selecting Inputs & Modes
Home theaters need to have the surround receiver’s audio inputs selected, the correct
surround-sound mode selected, and the correct TV input selected. Even if there is a
separate button for every mode or input, the user must remember which input label is
correct for each component and keep track of which remote is which. Although some
remotes have the ability to issue “macros”, most systems incorporate at least one
component that is “macro-proof” (a component that uses a single “INPUT” or “MODE”
command to cycle through all of the choices). There is no way for the remote control to
“know” which input was last selected. So, the consumer must remember which input it was
and cycle through the choices manually. Operation is frustratingly complex for anyone.
The IntelliControl Solution: Software Managers to Select Inputs and Modes
The IntelliControl’s Main System Unit is programmed with powerful software “managers”
that automate Input and Mode selection. No matter what type of IR command is required
to change the inputs or the modes, The IntelliControl automatically selects the correct
configuration for the source selected.
Additionally, for the first time, you can design sophisticated configurations that improve
system performance without worrying about the difficulty the end-user might have
remembering everything (i.e. you could run S-Video direct to the TV’s S-Video input for the
DSS, while composite video is run from the other sources to the TV’s video input).
This automation does not get in the way of hobbyists who like to play with the surround-
sound modes. The IntelliControl will automatically select the normal surround-sound
mode for each input when the user presses a Master Key.
However, if the hobbyist decides to experiment with different modes, he/she can press
one of the ten custom labeled Master Keys (labeled “Surround” for example), change and
adjust the surround-sound, and when they return to the last source selected, the surround-
sound mode will not automatically change back to the normal mode (this is an example of
the IntelliControl’s “Automation Bypass” feature). Only when the user selects a new source
will the IntelliControl take over again and automatically select the default surround-sound
mode for the new source. Now, the hobbyist can peacefully coexist with the rest of the
family, because he/she will never accidentally leave the system in the wrong input or the
wrong surround-sound mode.
Problem Three: Decorating Electronically – Putting All The Components In
Plain Sight
If the equipment is placed out of sight behind cabinet doors and an infrared repeater
system is installed, the user cannot see which component is on, which input is selected,
etc. Either way, the user is cursed with either a stack of components with cryptically
flickering LEDs in plain sight or a cabinet full of components that can only be operated if
the doors are open.
The IntelliControl Solution: Automation Allows Behind Closed Door
Because the IntelliControl automates all of the system’s functions, the user doesn’t need
to check the power status or the currently selected input of each component. The
IntelliControl is constantly checking the power status and the software Managers are