correctly configuring the system for any source. As a result, the components can be
placed behind closed doors.
Problem Four: When The System Turns On, The Volume Is Too Low, or Too
Surround-sound preamps/receivers typically stay at the last volume selected when they
are turned off. As a result, turning on a system can sometimes be puzzling because there
is no sound, while at other times, turning on a system can be ear-shattering.
IntelliControl Solution: The Volume Resets Automatically At Turn Off
The IntelliControl can be programmed to automatically reset the receiver’s volume to a
comfortable level. When the “System Off” key is pressed, the IntelliControl can be
programmed to issue the “Volume Down” for as long as necessary to take the
preamp/receiver to minimum, then raise it to a comfortable level regardless of how loud or
soft the system had been playing. Only then does the IntelliControl turn the system off.
The system always turns on at a moderate volume setting. No more puzzling or surprising
Problem Five: The Pitfalls of Mute
It has been traditional for most surround-sound receivers and preamps to offer the end
user a separate “Mute” button. This button has created thousands of service calls
worldwide. You press “Mute” once, the system mutes, you press it again and it unmutes.
However, the user must remember that the system is muted. If the user forgets, then there
is no sound. Or worse, a service call is created.
IntelliControl Solution: Software Managers to Manage Mute
The IntelliControl’s Main System Unit can be programmed to automate the “Mute”
command. Now, when one person presses “Mute”, nobody has to remember anything.
The IntelliControl remembers. When anyone touches any key, the preamp will unmute.
Problem Six: Infrared Remote Controls Are Line-Of-Sight Only
In a conventional system using a “macro” remote, various problems can occur if the
remote control is not pointed correctly, or not held steadily in one position until all of its
commands are issued. If the user’s hand slips, or someone walks by, some of the
commands may not be received. Annoying problems, which are exaggerated in larger
rooms, will occur.
IntelliControl Solution: Radio Frequency Commands Between the Tabletop
Remote Control and the System
The IntelliControl issues a single RF “automation” command when a button is pushed.
Because radio signals operate at any angle and cannot be physically blocked, the
system’s automation is extremely reliable. All macros are issued by the MSU, which feeds
IR commands directly to the components. The IntelliControl provides the end-user with
one-touch operation every time.