Sending Faxes to Multiple Locations and/or
If you want to send the same fax to more than one location,
carry out the following steps:
1. Load your document.
2. Select your first group or location as follows. The next group
or individual location must be selected within three seconds.
Select Location Using Do This
A group Press the AUTO DIAL key and then #
key in the numeric keypad. Then
enter the code number of the group
you want to use.
One Touch key Press the One Touch key. If display asks
for confirmation of your selection, press
the START key.
AUTO DIAL number Press AUTO DIAL key, then enter
two digit AUTO DIAL code number on
the numeric keypad. If display asks for
confirmation of your selection, press the
START key.
A number dialled on Dial as you would on a normal
the numeric keypad telephone and press the START key.
Note: If you want to send a fax to groups and individual
locations, the groups must be selected first.
3. When selecting another group, do not press the AUTO DIAL
key, but immediately press the # key and enter the code
number for the next group you want to select.
4. Repeat Steps 2 to 3 until you have finished selecting groups
and individual locations.
Note: Up to ten fax locations can be entered using the
numeric keypad.
5. When you have finished selecting groups and/or individual
locations, quickly press the START key and the display
changes to:
If your entries are OK, press the START key. Your fax
machine then scans your document and begins to transmit
to your selected locations.
6. When you have finished selecting your groups and
individual locations and you DO NOT press the START
key, the display shortly shows:
Note: ?????? indicates the locations you have selected. If
your locations exceed the capacity of the display, then only
the first locations are shown on the second line of the
display, e.g. #1, 03, *02, 4568; #1 indicates Group 1; 03
indicates One Touch key 03; *02 indicates Auto Dial 02;
4568 are the first four digits of a number entered using the
numeric keypad.