8 Internet Fax and Network Print/Network Scanner
or mail client. If the recipient is the same Internet Fax machine, notifica-
tion in the following RFC compliant format will be transmitted.
Note 1: This setting determines whether or not an MDN request will be
sent with transmission. When this fax machine receives e-mail
accompanied with an MDN request, it will always return MDN
to the sender regardless of this setting.
Note 2: If a file other than the TIFF formats compatible with this Inter-
net Fax is received and the REPORT setting under 73:ERR.
REPORT (MCF.) is ON, error MDN will be returned to the
sender automatically regardless of the MDN setting.
Note 3: When this setting is ON, the recipient of a transmission returns
a MDN. To print a MDN, the TEXT PRINT setting must be ON.
Example of MDN format is as follows:
Subject: Automatic Disposition Notification
(processed) - hello!
The message you sent on Wed, 19 Jan 2000 15:28:28
+0900 regarding "hello!" has been processed by
Final-Recipient: rfc822; abc@network.com
Disposition: automatic-action/MDN-sent-
Automatically; processed
Note: Some mail clients and Internet Fax products that are currently
on the market are unable to receive this MDN format correctly.
93:NETWORK SETTINGS - By selecting this user function, the follow-
ing network settings can be altered.
Note 1: After making changes to these settings, press the MENU key to
put the fax machine into stand-by mode. After a few seconds'
pause, the LCD will indicate that the network card is being ini-
tialised and the data on the network card will be updated when
this message disappears. Do not press the MENU key again
while the initialisation message is displayed as it may prevent
the settings from being updated correctly.
Note 2: Latin letters, numbers and symbols are assigned to one-touch
keys. Also, symbols can be entered using either one-touch key