User’s Guide: English 25
10 : Page length(line.) : 66
11 : Banner output : NO
99 : Back to prior menu
Please select (1 - 99)? _
Printer trap setup screen
Select [7] on the Main Screen to display this screen.
Configure the printer trap.
Please select (1-99)? _7
No. Message Value
1 : Trap enable : DISABLE
2 : Trap type : LOCAL
3 :Trap address (UDP) :
4 :Trap address (IPX) : “00000000:000000000000”
99 : Back to prior menu
Please select (1 - 99)? _
Resetting the fax machine
After selecting applicable settings through Telnet and exiting,
reset the fax machine to make sure that your preferences were
activated. To do this, simply turn it off, then turn it back on.
Then go to the front panel and print the diagnostics page to
make sure your settings are correct.