Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Conguring the Imager
Since the operation of a LH2 imager is microprocessor controlled, it is possible to modify or
program its operation to match your specic application. Changes in parameter settings can
be changed or programmed in two ways:
(1) The rst method employs specially designed programming bar codes which instruct the
imager to modify specic parameters. You can scan any of the barcodes from Appendix A
to program the LH2.
(2) The imager can also be programmed by sending software instructions from the host PC
to the imager via the RS232 connection only for the commands that are available.
Programming Menus & Commands
Appendix A contains full instructions on how to congure the imager as well as a complete
listing of the host serial commands and programming bar codes that are available to
customize the imager for your application.
Default Settings
Default settings are indicated throughout the menus to follow.
To restore the “out-of-the-box” settings shown in the following table, use the Reset to
Factory defaults setting and Clear All Prex & Sufx barcode settings
RS-232 Interface Setting Defaults
Baud Rate 57600
Stop Bits 1
Data Bits 8
Parity None