Glossary N
Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual B-51
NTP 297-8103-903
Synonymous with logical node.
Novell Internetwork Packet Exchange
Netware’s native LAN communications protocol, used to move data between
server and/or workstation programs, running on different network nodes. IPX
packets are encapsulated and carried by the packets used in Ethernet and the
similiar frames used in Token-Ring networks. IPX supports packet sizes up to 64
Network Parameter Control: Network Parameter Control is defined as the set of
actions taken by the network to monitor and control traffic from the NNI. Its main
purpose is to protect network resources from malicious as well as unintentional
misbehavior which can affect the QoS of other already established connections by
detecting violations of negotiated parameters and taking appropriate actions. Refer
to UPC.
Non-real-time VBR
Non-Return to Zero: A binary encoding scheme in which ones and zeroes are
represented by opposite and alternating high and low voltages and where there is
no return to a zero (reference) voltage between encoded bits.NRZ is now used as
an encryption scheme for getting data onto and off hard disk fast.It eliminates the
need for clock pulses and yields up to 18.5 kilobytes per track and high read/write
Network Service Access Point: OSI generic standard for a network address
consisting of 20 octets. ATM has specified E.164 for public network addressing and
the NSAP address structure for private network addresses.
Non-Source Routed: Frame forwarding through a mechanism other than Source
Route Bridging.
1.Newton’s Telecom Dictionary