Panasonic 1200N Switch User Manual

T Glossary
B-76 Centillion 1200N ATM Switch User Manual
NTP 297-8103-903
An ANSI standards sub-committee dealing with performance.
An ANSI standards sub-committee dealing with services, architecture and
An ANSI standards sub-committee dealing with digital hierarchy and
Transparent Bridging: An IETF bridging standard where bridge behavior is
transparent to the data traffic. To avoid ambiguous routes or loops, a Spanning Tree
algorithm is utilized.
Transient Buffer Exposure: A negotiated number of cells that the network would
like to limit the source to sending during startup periods, before the first RM-cell
Transaction Capabilities: TCAP (see below) plus supporting Presentation, Session
and Transport protocol layers.
Transmission Convergence: The TC sublayer transforms the flow of cells into a
steady flow of bits and bytes for transmission over the physical medium. On
transmit, the TC sublayer maps the cells to the frame format, generates the Header
Error Check (HEC), sends idle cells when the ATM layer has none to send. On
reception, the TC sublayer delineates individual cells in the received bit stream, and
uses the HEC to detect and correct received errors.
Transaction Capabilities Applications Part: A connectionless SS7 protocol for the
exchange of information outside the context of a call or connection. It typically runs
over SCCP and MTP 3.